Friday, April 19, 2013

Felt Pouf ottoman and cushion covers

Felt Pouf ottoman and cushion covers

There is no limit to any development, the felt balls which was used in making the rugs, is now also being used to make Pouf...dont trust me? see the picture

Felt balls Pouf furniture
Felt balls Pouf ottoman furniture
This is something we got made with strength that it can absorb weight upto 150 kgs very easily.
felt balls cushion covers
Felt balls cushion covers
compressed felt cushion covers
compressed felt cushion cover

These kind of Felt Pouf furniture are increasing in demand. Not only this, also check the felt balls cushion covers.

For more details you may contact us at

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yarn to manufacture Handmade woolen rugs

Do you understand the importance of wool being used in manufacturing handmade carpets and rugs?

Wool being the prime yarn is always to be selected as per the usage of carpets  and also the area where it has to be placed.
100% new zealand wool handmade rug
100% new zealand wool handmade rug 

blended wool handmade rug
Blended wool(new zealand +indian) handmade rug

When we compare different kind of woollen yarn we find majorily 3 types. First is 100 percent newzealand wool, another is mix of newzealand wool and indian wool and third is indian wool.

All different kinds of above mentioned woolen yarns have different properties. The difference they make is the feel, look and fibre length of the yarn.

Handmade carpets with thick pile should always have yarn which have long fibre length.

In case of manufacturing handmade carpets and rugs with short pile or low pile this yarn fibre length may be medium too.

When you need area rug with high shinning and soft feel you should choose 100 % newzealand woollen yarn to manufacture.

For more details you may contact us at

Flatwoven patch rugs or dhurries

Stiched Patch Flatwoven rug
Stiched Patch Flatwoven rug

Original Patch Flatwoven rug
Original Patch weave Flatwoven rug
These kind of flatwoven rugs or more commonly called dhurries are also made in patch pattern.

By patch pattern we mean one where the weaving is made in such a way that the design itselfs shows patch, other where the dhurries are cut in odd sizes and then these patches are stitched together, and pasted with cloth back or stitched as per the requirement.

For more details you may contact us at